5 Tips for Styling Your Entry Table

How to style an entry table | A Fabulous Fete


In the past, I always tried to avoid having large areas that can collect items near the front door. Baskets, chairs, tables, etc. They quickly accumulate all of the junk you carry in from your day. And we are absolutely the worst about putting things back in their place after we take them out and use them. 

I never felt like our entry way was complete though... and you know me; any chance I can take to style a little vignette in our home, I'll take it! So I went ahead and found a cute marble table to hold a few things by the front door. It makes this area in our home have more purpose. And surprisingly, I tend to keep our entry slightly more tidy now as I know how fast it can turn into a dumping ground for random things.

I wanted to share my general rules for styling a small, functional space like this now that we have one to share! Since I took these photos, I've changed it up several times. If you stick with these tips though, you can do the same and switch out items or accessories from all around your home. It's such a great place to get seasonal or festive now that the holidays are on their way. But my favorite part is that everyone that comes to our home gets a tiny glimpse of what it's like before even entering... where as before it was always a pile of grocery bags I needed to take to the car or shoes that were kicked off.


Entry table style | A Fabulous Fete

No. 1 - Always have something living to break up hard lines of other objects. This can be flowers you freshen up weekly, a hard to kill succulent, or we can meet in the middle and you can do dried flowers (they were alive once). This is usually my focal point and how I plan color for this small space.

No. 2 - Stick to the rule of 3 (or odd numbers if you are working with a large space). This is the number one rule in styling anything. Working in 3, and in a triangle gives the eye an order in which to process things (ie. making it easy to look at). So to balance out your flowers or plant, choose 2 other items, in varying but complementary sizes, to organize in a loose triangle. Struggling with what to choose? A cute coffee table book or magazine and a candle are perfect!

No. 3 - This is the perfect spot for your seasonal or signature scent. I typically splurge on candles because they just make me so happy, and if you want to choose one place to do that it's definitely the entry of your home, especially if you are welcoming guests.

No. 4 - To style with books, leave them open to your favorite pages with a cute paper weight. This is a great way to update the look weekly without even switching your book out!

No. 5 - Leave a little "white space". You don't have to cover every inch of your table, especially if you have something with a pretty top. If your book is hanging over the edge, find a smaller one. If your vase is towering over your other accessories, look for a medium height option around your home. You want them to flow, if something is much bigger than your other two items, it stops the eye and doesn't make sense.

Greet guests with a styled entry table | A Fabulous Fete
A beautiful entry table | A Fabulous Fete
Learn how to style an entry table | A Fabulous Fete


This is such a fun Sunday ritual if you're a homebody like me;) As you leave for work Monday morning, it's nice to start your week with a clean and inspiring space.

Remember, this is great for any small space or table too, so you can adapt these tips to your side tables, small coffee tables or nightstands.

Tell us, what is your favorite space to style in your home?