A Month in Review | May

If I had to sum up May in one word, it would probably be explore. I mean, I didn't venture far, but I made an effort to do more... getting out of the house more for events, planning last minute trips, and just exploring places locally that I always said I would. And it was awesome. I feel more inspired and more connected with the people I enjoyed those times with. It's funny how slowing down for a second, saying f it to things that typically fill up our schedules, and taking a little me time changes things. Here's a glimpse into this month...

I won't even touch on my goals, I'm embarrassed that I've gotten nowhere (well, maybe i've moved a little, but not near as much as I wanted to). Speaking of... time to get on that goal sheet printable, RIGHT? Ok, coming right up;) Happy June!

See all of the Month's in Review here.