Lauren Saylor Interiors + Design || A Fabulous Fete Wedding Invitations + Stationery

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{ friday goodness + tiklari jewelry }

a few good things::
it's friday, woo hoo!
i'm growing my bangs out, and today was the first day they actually looked decent without half a can of hairspray, it only took about a 1/4 can {petty, i know... but this makes my day so much smoother}
i have high hopes that i can get ryan to take me out to get dessert tomorrow. crow bar in corona del mar has THE best homemade s'more dessert... homemade marshamallows, ice cream, graham crackers w/ salt, all covered in chocolate, yum!
you guys! i LOVED reading your comments this week on my cake, kitty and everything else! you're all so sweet:) ps- update on kitty, he's finally not hiding ALL day, only like 20 hours of it, and he actually likes sitting on the couch with us finally, instead of taking off to hide under it.
and last, i was on my daily cruise of etsy and found this shop, tiklari... SUCH cute jewelry. love it, want it... hint hint fam, it's almost christmas:)

{all images via tiklari}

have a fabulous weekend!

{xo, l}