A Month In Review + Goals | November '16

November was a mish-mash of travel, deadlines, launches, catch up... and wine;) We had a little bit of everything and crunched into less time than usual as our annual Hawaii trip took a nice chunk out of the month. So this month, I'm really looking forward to decorating for the holidays (which is pretty much already done since we're a week in!) and staying in.

I'm a serious homebody in December. I LOVE being around the lights and christmas trees and cozy fires. I feel like if we do anything else, I'm going to miss a day/night away from all of the festive-ness (which is kind of nuts). Anybody else like that? No, just me, ok;) I'm also looking forward to a tiny bit of time off in between Christmas and the New Year. I try to do this every year and it's been so nice to wake up late, make breakfast and spend lazy days really doing nothing! I do want to use the time to work on some new items for the shop and wedding invitation designs... but that's fun as well so it doesn't really feel like work. Anyways... here is what happened in November!

A few goals for the month...

First, get our home + offices organized and clutter free! There are clothes everywhere from trips, excessive amounts of paper on the ground in our office and just junk that I should really get rid of cluttering up corners all over the place. I'm not minimalistic AT ALL, but, i'd like to try and make more conscious decisions next year in purchases so that our house doesn't look like a garage sale with things I hate after a week. You know?

Second, like I said above, NEW SHOP ITEMS! Most importantly, some long overdue additions to the wedding stationery section. I've been collecting inspiration for probably a year now and need to get to work. Plus, it's engagement season so I would love to launch some new Save the Date's for new couples!

Third, maybe let's just stick to two goals... no? Ok. The blog is always on my mind... new ideas, series, projects, etc. I want to share it all. So I'm working to build a more structured schedule for my time that allows for more blog content creation! It's a brilliant idea, a schedule... one i've never really put into place since starting a biz. I'll give it a whirl this month;)

What are your goals for the month of December?

All images via @afabulousfete on instagram.