Lauren Saylor Interiors + Design || A Fabulous Fete Wedding Invitations + Stationery

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watercolor wallpaper for your iphone.

i was sitting at my desk earlier this week feeling blah. i had woken up sick that morning and was uninspired to do anything, especially work. as i sat there staring at my phone, opening every app to procrastinate as long as i possibly could, i thought to myself.. just do something, anything, that isn't a complete waste of time. so i picked up my calligraphy pen, jotted down a few random phrases, quotes and words. then i pulled out my watercolors and started plopping down shapes and colors. all of this with no intention to complete a project. and guess what.. lots of good came out of that hour i sat that doodling and painting. i scanned in 2 pages of stuff that i plan on printing and getting made into stamps for my shop and a little something for you guys. (not to mention after accomplishing my first real task of the day at 2pm, it motivated me to make the best of the rest of the day). anyways, point is, sometimes we should probably give ourselves a little break from the 'needs to get done' and try something just for fun. it'll probably lead to better work for those 'needs to get done' projects.
now, for the fun stuff. i made a few iphone wallpapers for ya. i was super inspired by the clean and simple design of this one i downloaded by breanna rose. so i stuck with the white ground and played around with watercolor dots.

save as your wallpaper and enjoy. and have a great weekend!