Lauren Saylor Interiors + Design || A Fabulous Fete Wedding Invitations + Stationery

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goals + the weekend

[sneak from the latest styled shoot i designed and shot for hayneedle]

woo! friday is here. time to kick up our feet and relax a little.. after work that is. we don't have much planned for the weekend. just my saturday morning run with the girls, and i've signed up for a sup (stand up paddleboard) yoga class in the lake by our house on sunday! i've done plenty of yoga but this will be my first try floating in water.
june rolled around quick. i can't believe we are already a week in. after coming home from a relaxing vacation re-inspired to get things done, i decided i wanted to start this month with a few mini goals... actually i'd like to start each month like that. simple ones, things i've been telling myself "i'll start doing that... eventually".
1. keep up with yoga! at least once a week.
2. start on projects when i receive them, not when the deadline is approaching. obviously your inspiration is at it's highest and ideas are their freshest at the beginning. so start then! i also never want something to lack quality because i procrastinated.
3. update my etsy shop. it's been over a year and that is way too long. i've been wrapped up in a lot of other fun things, but i think if i spend an hour or two a day developing the ideas i've come up with, i would have it filled up with new goodies in no time.
do any of you guys do this? weekly, monthly.. maybe daily? would love to hear any tips you have for staying on track.
hope you all have a fabulous weekend!