Lauren Saylor Interiors + Design || A Fabulous Fete Wedding Invitations + Stationery

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[ le bridal shower ]

just popping in to share a bit of my weekend.
this saturday sharon threw me the most fabulous bridal shower.
she hit it right on the head. there was fringe, garland, polka dots and donuts.
so basically it was a perfect day of my closest friends, champagne, plenty of sweets and cheese (ya, cheese, we have a love/hate relationship).
obviously there are better shots coming from our friends dez + tam, but for now... instagram should do it.

the day wouldn't have been complete without a bridal inspiration string, paper straw garland (GENIUS right?!), fabulous friends, handmade polka dot plates, suckers to flavor your champagne (!!!), and mini krispy kreme, obvi.