Lauren Saylor Interiors + Design || A Fabulous Fete Wedding Invitations + Stationery

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[ a relaxing weekend ]

my weekend in some bad phone pictures

it was too short. as usual.
i assisted at a wedding on saturday. so my weekend consisted mostly of sunday, which we made the most of. i started out the day listening to so awesome new records we picked up. ryan had a collection of records. like legit classic records. anyways, i got him a record player for christmas because records are absolutely no good without one. we haven't used it much. until now. the only downside is we bought 3 new records... which are currently on repeat. i need a good source for record shopping. this is foreign to me! in addition to record playing, coffee drinking and craft making took place. perfect weekend morning if you ask me.
louis cuddled. but only long enough for the picture. he has cat add.
we made pizzas on the grill. amazing. except for the fact that eating that delicious pizza confirmed i am in fact intolerant to the lactose. see that pile of cheese? so good last night. today, my enemy. i'm bummed, but finally glad to know WHY i felt the way i did, pretty much daily. ryan and i will definitely not stop our wine and cheese dates. i'll just have to deal with it. it's worth it. once in a while at least.

And lastly. "this weekend i tried" was a BIG.FAT.FAIL.
cookies with the 2 main ingredients being a stick of almond paste and a little sugar. NOT good. I think that not having a food processor played a big part in them not turning out well... maybe. i promise the fail was not due to my gigantic glass of red wine ;)