Lauren Saylor Interiors + Design || A Fabulous Fete Wedding Invitations + Stationery

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{new years eve handmade bash}

happy new years eve!
after all the sneak peeks and teasing, sharon and i are super excited to finally share what we've been working on for the past few weeks. 
sharon approached me a few months ago with a project idea she came up with. she had read an interview where i expressed my love for making things out of nothing... like an entire party out of a magazine! she had an amazing vision, i had some crafty skills, it just seemed stupid not to be working together. the rest is history, and now we have an absolutely fabulous photo shoot to share with all of you!
real simple was the obvious choice for this project with their perfect paper quality and colorful content. we utilized 3 issues for this bash. november contributing it's pages for the loads of confetti, december for all of the decor, and finally january for a delicious recipe... we figured if we were going to produce this beautiful party for a photo shoot, why not invite some girlfriends over to enjoy it with dinner!
sharon and i both like to have inspiration for our shindigs rather than the typical "theme". and with the timing being perfect, we chose to go with a girls only new years eve event. of course that meant pink, gold for a little sparkle, and pounds of glitter, literally. we also knew there would not be a structured buffet or dessert bar at our party. it was new years eve after all (well, kind of...), which meant over flowing glasses of champagne, dessert pouring out of yummy vintage dishes covering the table and begging to be eaten before dinner because they looked so good, and of course jars filled with delicious candy next to the very necessary noise makers and party blowers.

big big thank you to up imagery for all of the amazing photos you see above!

and don't think that's it folks... next week sharon and i will be sharing much more. steps on how we created many pieces of decor and favors shown, recipes, and behind the scene looks into how we made all this happen. 

now hop on over to cupcakes and cutlery to see what she is sharing from the shoot.
have an amazing new years eve and be safe!
can't wait to share more next week... xo, l