Lauren Saylor Interiors + Design || A Fabulous Fete Wedding Invitations + Stationery

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[ art a day ]

i mentioned art a day on monday. and ya, i procrastinated and didn't try it until today. i'm not an artist, not even close. i would call myself more of a doodle-er. so don't ever expect to see amazing works of art that take hours and hours. this is less of "art" for me and more of a way to be creative with different materials and maybe sketch a little while i'm at it.  so i called this one "party"... with washi tape bunting, a pretty pink streamer and confetti, i think that name is perfectly fitting:)

does anyone else have a sketchbook or keep a collection similar to this?
if not, i really suggest doing something similar.. i can already tell this is going to be a good thing to get creativity flowing and also keep ideas in one place for future projects!

{xo, l}