Lauren Saylor Interiors + Design || A Fabulous Fete Wedding Invitations + Stationery

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Monthly Notes No. 3 • Creative Living, My Instagram Swap and Re-thinking my Business


I know spring started over a week ago, but it is really starting to feel like the seasons are shifting. You can literally see, feel and hear it everywhere; birds, flowers, perfect weather. Not to get all deep, but I think that the changes are going to help us all feel a little bit better about this year. I know at least I have started to feel that way.

For me, this month is all about getting my home back into shape (organizing, purging, cleaning) and finding ways to make little things special (like simple happy hours for ryan and i or working on the garden so i can use it in recipes). We’re still at home quite a bit so focusing on this is high on my priority list. I figure you are on the same page as well so i’m excited to document all of that and share it here + on social!


I don’t know that i’ve shared it here on the blog yet (although i’ve been meaning to!) but if you follow along over on instagram, you probably noticed that i changed my name to @lauren.saylor. The biggest reason was that I wanted to create a separate home for A Fabulous Fete (so yes, @afabulousfete still exists) and all of the wedding pieces, stationery and products that we share. Since i’ve started to incorporate so much more into my platforms (home, decor, biz advice, life updates, recipes, etc.), using A Fabulous Fete felt a little limiting. This is/was 100% a mental thing, but if that is what i needed to feel like i could grow then i’m going with it.

While stationery and hand lettering is still a huge part of my life and business, I wanted to expand upon that and create a home to all of my other ideas. Living creatively and beautifully has been the simplest way i’ve found to put it. That is really what is behind all of the ideas that i share and work that i do. So in addition to keeping my personal instagram an overview of all those things (and yes, still a bit of the stationery and lettering), we will now have an official business page specifically for AFF offerings and items.

It’s been a tough transition. I’ve built my following mostly on that business side. So I know that with change, I am going to lose interest while building back up an audience that can take value in the new content. Aesthetically, things will stay the same… i just want to be able to share MORE with you and hope do so with a simple name change;)


Impulse Journal •

I read about this idea a few days ago on The Financial Diet (I follow on instagram). It’s basically a point system that you give yourself. You keep track of items you want (but don’t necessarily need right away) and when you earn enough points you get to treat yourself to one. Each item has a different point value, so for larger/more frivolous things you have to hold out longer. I feel like impulse buying has gotten worse this year for me. Maybe it has been a way to cope with everything… but whatever the reason i know i need to work on it so i’m starting my own version of this journal.

3-2-1 Thursday •

Are you signed up for James Clear’s newsletter? It’s my favorite email and i wait patiently each week for it. I find so many good nuggets of knowledge in it. He is the author of Atomic Habits, which i read earlier this year and found so useful. I know we don’t need more emails but go to your inbox now, delete 5 you hate and never open and replace it with this one instead. Every Thursday he sends 3 ideas, 2 quotes and 1 question. It’s short, easy to read, and always inspiring.

Re-thinking how my business operates •

I’ve been reading a lot more (which i’ve mentioned here and here) and a simple note that i’ve seen several times is that we don’t all have to operate and view success as the exact same thing. I am guilty of thinking this way when it comes to managing services/offerings/products in my business. You know, when you see someone in your industry and they do XYZ you think you have to do that as well (even if you don’t like it or agree that it appeals to your audience or customer). Especially now with a lot of pivoting that has happened in the past year, it’s almost like a form of reassurance for yourself. Like doing what they do will equal success for you as well. I’ve offered services to people that i later realized i didn’t even enjoy doing. So i’m taking a fresh look at things and filtering it all down to what exactly i want to do and what i want my business to be.

See this gallery in the original post