Lauren Saylor Interiors + Design || A Fabulous Fete Wedding Invitations + Stationery

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8 tips to inspire fitness in a busy schedule

when i quit my job to make a fabulous fete my full time thing, there were a few things i thought would be way, way different. you think you'll have so much more time to fit little things in like a workout. and sure, at first i did… but as business picked up i found it harder and harder. i quickly realized if i didn't have a plan, it just wasn't happening. so i have some tips that'll apply if you're running a biz like me, crazy busy planning a wedding (which i was also doing while trying to switch from part time to full time here!), or just have jam packed days in general.

this is the biggest one, and i'm sure you've all heard it before. but lay out your clothes the night before. it's one less step you have to dread when you wake up. and i know if i pick mine out the night before, it takes about 60 seconds. if i have to do it in the morning, it could easily take over 5 minutes! so i know i can hit snooze one more time if they are ready to go;)

do it in the morning. you have no excuses if you are waking up with the intention of working out. we all know how life, errands, and work becomes an easy excuse later in the day. and all you have to do is wake up a half hour earlier to get a quick one in! some of my favorites while trying to cut time are running stairs at a local park or a quick 3 miles from our front door. both are usually about 30 minutes and i'm done for the day.

not a morning person? figure out what time of the day you are least productive. mine is always around 2-3pm. take that time that you would be procrastinating anyways and fit it in then.

enlist your friends to keep you accountable. 3 days a week i meet with a few girls to run. if i didn't have them counting on me to be there, it would probably happen more like 3 times a month. 

make it fun! when my girl friends and i are on a run on a pretty trail, we love to document it. i don't remember why or how it started, but at least once a week we get a picture of us all running in a cool spot. it sounds silly, but now we have tons of pictures to look back on, you can see some here.

reward yourself. my favorite since i like to get my workout in, in the morning is coffee. i always take at least a half hour, have a cup of coffee and scroll through instagram or pinterest! i don't always do this if i haven't worked out as i wake up later and feel guilty for wasting time… so it's something to look forward to!

mix it up. don't get bored with the same old thing everyday. i love trail runs, bootcamp and stair workouts. there's never enough time to fit them all in so i know i'll never be tired of the same thing.

and last, maybe most important;) cute workout clothes can add a little inspiration to get out there and do something. i'm always looking for cute stuff that i can run errands in or get coffee in afterwards. it's true that when you like what you have on, it can give your confidence a boost! i just tried out some goodies from cozy orange that are making my mornings a little more fun. i love all of the subtle details and color they've added to my mostly black drawer.

what are your tips for fitting workouts in?

cozy orange has also given me a code to share with you to get you started!

use code COZYISFABULOUS to get 20% off your order through May 11th. Enjoy!

graphic pants || white top with mesh back and sleeves || dark teal sports bra