Lauren Saylor Interiors + Design || A Fabulous Fete Wedding Invitations + Stationery

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do what you say you'll do.

i pick up a lot of inspiration over on the old pinterest. i pinned this quote a while back and it has been constantly on my mind. mostly reminding me to stop talking about all the things i want to do and start doing them. one thing i've been doing and am planning on doing more of has been scheduling work dates. sharon and i have done them for a while to shoot blog posts, and i'm hoping to do more to get things like orders for my shop placed, prints completed and ordered, long overdue emails answered etc (all things that get brushed to the side for bigger tasks). setting a date with someone is the greatest way to stay accountable. i always get so much done because we only have a set amount of time to knock out the tasks we have planned. it's seriously been a game changer as far as blog posts go! just yesterday we met up for a work date and i now have 6 or 7 projects in queue. it's a lot of fun too… we never go without a yummy meal or cocktail. 

what are your tips to sticking to your long term to-do lists?