Lauren Saylor Interiors + Design || A Fabulous Fete Wedding Invitations + Stationery

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surprise lexy! baby shower + a craft

baby shower

so today i have a super pretty project to show you for a super special reason. we are throwing lexy from the proper pinwheel a virtual baby shower!! i met this bubbly gal with perfect hair last year at alt and little did we know she had a bun in the oven. i'm so glad i get to be a tiny part of this special event. brittni and kelly were the masterminds behind this whole genius idea.. they're too sweet.. and gathered 10 lovely ladies to share their own fun diy today. so please stop by and join the party!

hope you enjoy your crafty baby shower lexy and congrats!

craft supplies

i have a fondness for party decor that can go from the event to something for the home. sometimes it seems like a waste to create so much for one event that will go in a closet or the trash, so i try to diy with that in mind. which brings me to this project! here's how to make a quote sign that the mama to be can take home and hang in the new babes room.

supplies: piece of wood, faux flowers and fern leaves, craft paint, long strip of plain fabric and strawberries (yep, this will make sense in a sec). most items purchased at  michaels.

tools: scissors, paint brushes (thick and thin), drill and bits, glue gun and a pot to boil the dye.


start by throwing a few strawberries in a pot with twice the amount of water. boil for about 20 minutes to get all of the color out of the strawberries. once you have done that, strain out the strawberries and place your long piece of fabric in to sit for about 5 minutes. remove, rinse and dry. this will be used as the ribbon to hang your sign. start with this step and continue on to the rest while the water boils.

wood baby shower sign

cut the long stems off the flowers leaving only an inch or less, place those flowers on the board where you would like them and mark with a pen. also mark a hole on each top corner so you can drill a hole for the ribbon. next grab your drill and drill the 3 larger holes where you will insert the stems of your flowers. the holes i made were about 3/8". next take a smaller drill and make the holes at the top corners. after holes are drilled take a pencil and lightly trace your quote of choice. come back in with your paint and go over the pencil sketch. i like to use the small brush to cover the pencil lines and come back in with the thicker brush to create the "calligraphy" style strokes.

faux florals

after the paint has dried, apply hot glue to the bases of the flowers and insert through the holes. then take a few of the fern stems and randomly place around edges and under flowers as you see fit. glue these down as well. once all the glue has dried cut your ribbon to the desired length and insert the ends through the holes on the corners, from the front. tie a knot at the ends of the ribbons on the back of the sign.

pink calligraphy

now hang temporarily for your baby shower and for the guest of honor to take when they leave. i just rearranged a wall in our living room a bit so i didn't have to make any new holes. once it was taken down, the original picture went right back up. you could also hang on the front door to greet guests or even skip the ribbon and prop up on the refreshments table... although the ribbon was one of my favorite parts and wouldn't want to take it away!

babys room decor

pink baby shower

nursery decor

if you're in the mood for some more baby shower diys, visit these other ladies to see what they came up with!

we heart you lexy. happy baby shower!

[ quote via dr. seuss ]