Lauren Saylor Interiors + Design || A Fabulous Fete Wedding Invitations + Stationery

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Get on with it already

This is what I have staring me in the eyes every time I look at my phone... I set it as part of the background on there to remind me to GET ON WITH IT ALREADY.
Let me explain- I get really close to finishing a project, then I procrastinate like crazy (wait, is procrastinate a verb? Oh well... i'm using it) and don't do the last few things I have to do to finish a project (be it a party collection or piece of apparel). And then I find inspiring posts or articles about women that have these great businesses and love every day that they go to work. I want to love going to work!
So this is it, I have a perfect opportunity to do something. I have a long weekend w/ (almost) no plans. I'm making a promise (to myself of course) to work, work, work the weekend away... well, at least some of the weekend. You can't work all weekend:)
Anyways, here is what I had in my inbox this morning that made me write this post. The lovely ladies of Studio Choo wrote a guest post for d*s. I'm so jealous of how they spend their day... and look at these amazing photos! Wouldn't you be happy working around beautiful flowers and ribbon everyday? Lucky!

Hope this inspired any of you out there that are little procrastinators yourself:) If not, i'm just glad I got to share these pretty pictures via their post!

Have an amazing long weekend!