Lauren Saylor Interiors + Design || A Fabulous Fete Wedding Invitations + Stationery

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Lavender, Rosewater, and Hibiscus Spritz Cocktail

This month we decided to transform my obsession with flowers into a cocktail! It's been a while since i've experimented with a cocktail that has more steps than, cork bottle... pour in glass. So while it was a bit intimidating to look at all of the steps before hand, it was SO worth it. The end result was a refreshingly floral spritz that looked just as good as it tasted. This recipe comes at the perfect time for your galentines or valentines plans and is a keeper as we move into spring (soooooon).

For the garnish, be sure to order or buy edible flowers (don't use blooms from the market!), or pick your own if you have a garden you don't use pesticides on... just be sure to do your research and make sure they are okay to consume. We order ours from this great site (click here), they ship overnight so you have them fresh when you are ready to use them.

Honestly, you could pop these flowers onto any cocktail to make it extra fancy. But we promise, the prep for this one is worth it!

Ingredients (4 servings)

2 tablespoons of dried culinary grade lavender

1 cup vodka

2 oz elderflower liqueur

2 lemons juiced (and strained)

1 bottle of sparkling wine (we used prosecco)

4 hibiscus tea bags

1 cup sugar

1 cup water

15-20 drops rosewater

1 egg white

What else you'll need:

Cocktail shaker

Ice cubes

Edible flowers for garnish


First make your infused vodka + Hibiscus Syrup. We recommend doing this the day before if you are entertaining.

Lavender Infused Vodka Recipe

Use 2 tablespoons of dried culinary lavender to every 1 cup of vodka being used. Add lavender to vodka. Cover and let it sit for at least 3 hours. Strain through a strainer to ensure that there are no leftover lavender leaves in the vodka! Store in an airtight container.

Hibiscus Syrup Recipe

Add 4 hibiscus tea bags, 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of hot water to a pot. Cook on medium heat until sugar is completely dissolved, remove from heat. Let cool, then remove tea bags. Place in fridge and let it rest until it is chilled. Store in an airtight container.

Cocktail Instructions

Fill each glass (4) 3/4 of the way with sparkling wine. This is around 4-6 oz depending on the side of your glass. Set aside. Add 8 oz of your infused vodka, the elderflower liqueur, lemon juice, 2 oz hibiscus syrup, rose water, egg white and 1-2 ice cubes to a cocktail shaker. Shake aggressively in a circular motion until the ice cubes dissolve completely. Without using a strainer (this is how you get the foam!), pour the contents of the cocktail shaker into your glass, on top of the sparkling wine. Garnish with edible flowers, a sprinkle of lavender OR some extra hibiscus tea, and voila!

Shop the coupes we used and other faves...

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Images by Kimi Domino